
Zenei kedvencek 60 percben – a Liszt Ferenc Kamarazenekarral – 4/3

Zenei kedvencek 60 percben – a Liszt Ferenc Kamarazenekarral – 4/3

Musical Favourites in 60 minutes  -  with the Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra – 4/3
ROMANTICISM - Grieg, Dvořák and Tchaikovsky – the most popular pieces by the greatest masters
Recommended both for less and more well-versed music fans
A 60-minute concert without intermission.

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Shouldn't we get carried away by the extremely powerful musical motifs or melt away listening to the melodies gently finding their way to our hearts? Of course, we should! The Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra intends to achieve just that with the programme compiled from the best-known Romantic compositions. Among the three great Romantic masters, there is a Czech composer whose name might sound somewhat unknown. Josef Suk, however, does belong to the "family", Dvořák’s family: first, he was Dvořák's student, and then later, he joined privately as well. At the age of 19, he managed to write his Saranade in a nearly perfect Dvořákian style as the follower of his future father-in-law.

Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra

Artistic director: István Várdai

Concertmaster: Péter Tfirst


Grieg: Holberg Suite, op. 40, 1st movement – Prelude

Dvořák: Serenade for Strings in E major, Op. 22 - excerpts

Suk: Serenade for Strings in E flat major, Op. 6

Tchaikovsky: Serenade for Strings in C major, Op. 48 - excerpts

Seat selection in the concert hall is on a first-come, first-served basis.

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