
XJAZZ! Budapest / Àbáse (HU/DE)

XJAZZ! Budapest / Àbáse (HU/DE)

On a quest for global grooves of unity, Àbáse is the imagination of Hungarian producer and keyboardist Szabolcs Bognár. Creating an exquisite blend of jazz, West African, Brazilian, hip-hop and electronic music, he released his debut album ‘Laroyê’ on the 5th November via Oshu Records.

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Last event date: Saturday, September 23 2023 8:00PM

XJAZZ! Budapest / Àbáse (HU/DE)

Szabolcs Bognár - keyboards, electronics
Musicians from Berlin and Budapest

Having already gained support from the likes of BBC Radio 6 Music’s Gilles Peterson, Worldwide FM, Stamp The Wax, Earmilk, Complex, Soulection, Okayplayer and KEXP, Àbáse released his long anticipated debut EP ‘Invocation’ in 2019 via HHV Records and Cosmic Compositions and early 2021, released the critically acclaimed ‘Body Mind Spirit’ EP, a collaborative electronic exploration with drummer/producer Ziggy Zeitgeist.

The word “àbáse” comes from the West African Yoruba language and stands for “collaboration” – a key element of Àbáse’s music, as he brings together versatile artists from around the world to
push genre and style boundaries. As a trained keyboard player, Bognár has been active in the versatile music scene of Budapest for many years. He’s been leading several successful acts, including Solqlap Budapest and The Mabon Dawud Republic, a fourteen piece afrobeat orchestra hosting Felabration Budapest and guest-starring the likes of Dele Sosimi and Pat Thomas. After residencies in Paris, Lyon, New York, Rio De Janeiro and Salvador, Àbáse is now based in Berlin, where besides pursuing his solo career, he is also the keyboard player for Nigerian soul singer Wayne Snow and Australian jazz drummer Ziggy Zeitgeist’s Zeitgeist Freedom Energy Exchange.

Table reservations are automatically added during ticket purchase.
Please note that if you purchase an odd number of seats, you might have to share the table with others, especially if the concert is sold out.
For the best dining experience please arrive around 7pm.
We hold reservations until 8pm.

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