
Vivaldi’s Orphanage Concerts 10. – Melodies

Vivaldi’s Orphanage Concerts 10. – Melodies

In the performance of György Lakatos and the Concerto Armonico, after the previous highly successful concerts, for the tenth time we can hear a selection from the orphanage works of the outstanding master of Italian baroque music.

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Last event date: Sunday, February 25 2024 7:00PM

Vivaldi’s Orphanage Concerts 10.

György Lakatos – bassoon
Concerto Armonico
Artistic Director: Miklós Spányi
Concert Master: Gábor Homoki

While Vivaldi is widely known as a composer, he was regarded as an exceptionally skilled violinist as well. In September 1703, he became maestro di violino at an orphanage called the Pio Ospedale della Pietà in Venice. Vivaldi was only 25 when he started working at the orphanage. Over the next thirty years he composed most of his major works while working there. The girls received a musical education, and the most talented among them stayed and became members of the Ospedale's renowned orchestra and choir. Shortly after Vivaldi's appointment, the orphans began to gain appreciation and esteem abroad, too. Vivaldi wrote concertos, cantatas and sacred vocal music for them. A selection of these works is presented by the Concerto Armonico Budapest and György Lakatos at BMC in a concert series which arrives to its 10th episode.

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