
Great scenes from Verdi’s operas with Carlo Montanaro - Pászti season ticket / 1

Great scenes from Verdi’s operas with Carlo Montanaro - Pászti season ticket / 1

Giuseppe Verdi: La forza del destino – overture; Giuseppe Verdi: Ernani – finale from Act 1; Giuseppe Verdi: Simon Boccanegra – Council chamber scene; Giuseppe Verdi: Don Carlo – Auto da fé scene; Giuseppe Verdi: I lombardi – Act 4

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Last event date: Thursday, November 18 2021 7:30PM

Thursday, 18 November 2021, 7.30 pm
Approx. until 9.10 pm
Pesti Vigadó Ceremonial Hall
Pászti season ticket / 1

Great scenes from Verdi’s operas with Carlo Montanaro

Giuseppe Verdi: La forza del destino – overture

Giuseppe Verdi: Ernani – finale from Act 1
Don Ruy Gomez de Silva Krisztián Cser
Ernani Szabolcs Brickner
Don Carlos Alexandru Agache
Elvira Klára Kolonits
Jago Dániel Kelemen
Riccardo Jenő Dékán
Giovanna Andrea Lehőcz

Giuseppe Verdi: Simon Boccanegra – Council chamber scene
Simon Boccanegra Alexandru Agache
Gabriele Adorno Szabolcs Brickner
Amelia Grimaldi Klára Kolonits
Fiesco Krisztián Cser
Paolo Péter Pásztor
Pietro István Gáspár


Giuseppe Verdi: Don Carlo – Auto da fé scene
Filippo II Krisztián Cser
Elisabeth Klára Kolonits
Marquis of Posa Alexandru Agache
Don Carlos Szabolcs Brickner
Tebaldo Gabriella Szalai-Illés
A Voice from Heaven Ágnes Szalai
Royal Herald Zoltán Czier

Giuseppe Verdi: I lombardi – Act 4
Giselda Klára Kolonits
Oronte Szabolcs Brickner
Pagano Krisztián Cser
Arvino István Viszló

What comes to mind when we think about the operas of Giuseppe Verdi? Extreme emotions, overflowing passions, hope and disappointment, loyalty and betrayal, courage and struggle, repressed anguish and revealed secrets. Romantic drama that also draws modern viewers into its spell so irresistibly. Overtures of sweeping force, the unforgettable melodies of the arias and duets, and resounding choruses. The exceptional attraction of a gala concert is the way it allows us to immerse ourselves in the beauties of more than one opera, venturing forth into the abundance of several.

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