
UMZE Ensemble: The Music Gene – Gregory Vajda 50

UMZE Ensemble: The Music Gene – Gregory Vajda 50

A concert dedicated to the artistic director of the UMZE Ensemble is the first in this year's series celebrating birthdays. The programme includes not only Vajda's compositions, but also other works closely or more loosely related to his oeuvre.

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Last event date: Friday, September 15 2023 7:00PM

UMZE Ensemble: The Music Gene – Gregory Vajda 50

Jörg Widmann: Drei Schattentänze (2013)
Eötvös Péter: Cadenza (Solo from the „Shadows”) (1996/2008)
Vajda Gergely:
Lightshadow-Trembling (1993)
LoFi Sonata (2022) – Premiere
Vajda Gergely:
Further Conversations with Children (2022)
Conversations with Children (2008)
The Music Gene (2020–2021) – on Dr. Richard M. Myers' text – Hungarian Premiere

Anna Molnár – mezzosoprano
Dr. Richard M. Myers – narrator
UMZE Ensemble:
Eszter Osztrosits – violin
Éva Osztrosits – violin
Péter Bársony – viola
Péter Tornyai – viola
Judit Szabó – violoncello
Lívia Duleba – flute
Péter Szűcs – clarinet
Conductor: Gergely Vajda

The first half of the concert focuses on the clarinet, and explores the possibilities of using this instrument in solo or chamber music settings. The second half will feature the award-winning Conversations with Children (2008) and its sequel, Further Conversations with Children (2022). The concert is rounded off with the Hungarian premiere of Zenegén, a series of musical commentaries on a text by world-renowned professor of biology, Dr Richard Myers. Vajda also published an article on this piece and on the possibilities of setting scientific texts to music in last year's March issue of STEM by Hungarian Science, which will also be an important topic of the discussion framing the concert.

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