
Új utakon - Wolf Kati Band lemezbemutató koncert

Új utakon - Wolf Kati Band lemezbemutató koncert

For more than twenty years, Kati Wolf has been one of the most outstanding singers on the Hungarian music scene, performing in pop and classical music productions; her songs are considered to be among the greatest Hungarian hits.  more

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Last event date: Sunday, November 26 2023 7:00PM

For more than twenty years, Kati Wolf has been one of the most outstanding singers on the Hungarian music scene, performing in pop and classical music productions; her songs are considered to be among the greatest Hungarian hits. The singer, who shot to fame with her hit “Szerelem, miért múlsz?" (What About My Dreams?), has been awarded prizes by her peers both at home and internationally, and never compromises when it comes to professional quality.

Her latest album, Új utakon (On New Roads), features eight brand new songs and two covers, each song appearing on the album with a personal story. Kati Wolf herself believes in renewal: she has experienced how she changes as a woman, mother, performer and author, and how life presents her with new situations in which she can discover limitless evolution, wisdom, letting go, joy and sorrow. The audience at Castle Garden Bazaar can be the first to hear the songs from the album Új útakon (On New Roads), along with many other Kati Wolf hits. The album launch concert will be a unique experience for all ages, with an incredible visual spectacle, an accompanying orchestra along with many other surprises.

Listen live to one of Hungary's best vocalists and her permanent band performing their pop-rock concert for a genuine, live, high-quality musical experience.

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