
The best of Elina Garanča

The best of Elina Garanča

The world-famous Latvian mezzo-soprano Elīna Garanča is one of the most sought-after opera singers of our time. Her vocal and acting abilities are celebrated by audiences all over the world, from Salzburg and Vienna to Paris and New York.

Current events

Berlioz: La damnation de Faust, Op. 24 - Rákóczi March

Gounod: Sapho - ‘Ô ma lyre immortelle' (Sapho's aria from Act 3)

Massenet: Thaïs - Meditation

Saint-Saëns: Samson et Dalila, Op. 47 - ‘Mon cœur s'ouvre à ta voix' (Delila's ‘kiss' aria from Act 2)

Saint-Saëns: Samson et Dalila, Op. 47 - Bacchanale (Act 3)

Gounod: La reine de Saba - ‘Plus grand, dans son obscurité' (Balkis's cavatina from Act 3)

Barbieri: El Barbarillo de Lavapiés - Canción de Paloma

Chapí: El barquillero - Romanza de Socorro

Lecuona-Karel Mark Chichon: Malagueña

Villa-Lobos: Bachianas Brasileiras, No. 5 - I. Aria

J. Strauss II: Der Zigeunerbaron - overture

Gastoldon-Karel Mark Chichon: Musica Proibita - Neapolitan Song

Tosti-Karel Mark Chichon: Non t'amo più - Neapolitan Song

Tosti-Karel Mark Chichon: Marechiare - Neapolitan Song

The world-famous Latvian mezzo-soprano Elīna Garanča is one of the most sought-after opera singers of our time. Her vocal and acting abilities are celebrated by audiences all over the world, from Salzburg and Vienna to Paris and New York. Her extremely wide repertoire includes works by numerous composers, ranging from Mozart to Wagner. The Best of Elīna Garanča programme features vocal excerpts from French operas and Spanish zarzuelas, as well as Neapolitan songs by Berlioz, Massenet, Saint-Saëns, Lecuona and orchestral pieces by Johann Strauss II, all conducted by Karel Mark Chichon.

Presented by: Müpa Budapest


Conductor: Karel Mark Chichon

mezzo-soprano: Elīna Garanča

Featuring: Budapest Philharmonic Society Orchestra

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