
Szakcsi Lakatos Béla Trió feat. Tony Lakatos

Szakcsi Lakatos Béla Trió feat. Tony Lakatos

When Tony Lakatos founded the Kis Rákfogó band with his fellow musicians as a young saxophonist in 1973 - taking over the legacy of the Rákfogó led by Béla Szakcsi Lakatos - probably he had no idea that he would be an equal partner of Szakcsi on the stage in a few decades.  more

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Last event date: Saturday, April 30 2022 8:00PM

This first became a certainty when he made a gipsy jazz album in 2006,  entitled Gipsy Colors, following in the footsteps of the genre-creating Szakcsi with his active participation. Their musical connection has been going on ever since, and during many European and foreign tours they have dazzled the audience with this special variety of jazz, which also integrates Hungarian gypsy folklore, their amazing musicality and sparkling improvisation skills. It will be no different during the current concert at the Opus Jazz Club, where Tony Lakatos on saxophone will join to the Béla Szakcsi Lakatos trio (Béla Szakcsi Lakatos - piano, András Lakatos Pecek - drums, Géza Jónás - bass). In the first half of the concert, their fluent modern jazz language skills will be sparkled during a free musical conversation, while in the second half, they will attempt to say something new within the subject of jazz standards. Given the innovative nature of musicians, we cannot doubt its success.

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A musicalben árva gyerekek egy csapata kószál a háborús front kellős közepén. Egy békés hajlékra vágynak, ahová behúzódhatnak éjszakára. És természetesen egy jó falatra. Ha nem kapnak ételt, akkor elcsenik maguk. De ugyan ki tudna haragudni rájuk? Csak túl akarják élni a háborút. Ma, amikor milliók kényszerültek elhagyni otthonukat, ez is döbbenetesen ismerős üzenet.

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