
Sissy Zhou – Miquèu Montanaro Duo (CN/FR) / Miquèu Montanaro – Ádám Móser Duó (FR/HU)

Sissy Zhou – Miquèu Montanaro Duo (CN/FR) / Miquèu Montanaro – Ádám Móser Duó (FR/HU)

The two hemispheres of the evening will be linked by Miquèu Montanaro's boundless musical world.

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Last event date: Wednesday, April 26 2023 8:00PM

Sissy Zhou – Miquèu Montanaro Duo (CN/FR)
Miquèu Montanaro – Ádám Móser Duó (FR/HU)


Sissy Zhou - gu zheng, vocals
Miquèu Montanaro - flute, galoubet-tambourine

Miquèu Montanaro - accordion
Ádám Móser - accordion

Sissy Zhou, interested in learning more about the music of the South of France, met Miquèu Montanaro, a musician based in the Provence region. Hence the Lavande & Jasmin (Lavender & Jasmine) duo is born. According to French journalist Philippe Fanise, as in the yin and yang of the Chinese Tao, the duo creates life by uniting opposite but complementary energies: the music of silk (the strings) and bamboo (the flutes), the East and the West, the here and the elsewhere, the masculine and the feminine, the past of the tradition and the present of the creation. Rather than creating boundaries between cultures, they try to plant lavender on the wall of China.

Life is like a tango: two steps forward, one step back. In the second half of the concert, a powerful world, at once joyful and sad, engulfs the listener as Miquèu and Ádám Móser reveal the tragic, romantic, dark and light sides of life. Once again, opposed yet complementary qualities meet: dance meets walking, love meets fear, one-time emotions meet those of the present, ancient music meets contemporary, classical music meets improvisation. The accordion duo's latest album consists of Miquèu's compositions, in which two souls, drunk on the freedom of improvisation, are intertwined.

Table reservations are automatically added during ticket purchase.
Please note that if you purchase an odd number of seats, you might have to share the table with others, especially if the concert is sold out.
For the best dining experience please arrive around 7pm.
We hold reservations until 8pm.

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