
Péter Sárik Trio (HU)

Péter Sárik Trio (HU)

I warmly recommend our concert for lovers of both classical and jazz music – said Peter Sarik about his Bartók project.

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Last event date: Wednesday, August 30 2023 8:00PM

Péter Sárik Trio (HU)

Péter Sárik - piano
Tibor Fonay - double bass
Attila Gálfi - drums

No other composer had such a great influence on jazz as Bartók. The incredible strength and dynamics of his pieces literally sweeps away the listener. His music is pure excitement, mystery, infinite depth and limpidity. We have created this material so that listening to our Bartók arrangements even those who had been averse to his music would take a liking to it. Jazz and Bartók is a perfect match. The piano pieces adapted to a jazz trio sound even more characteristically, pieces written for a full orchestra and folk adaptations show a completely new face and offer a large scope for improvisation. I warmly recommend our concert for lovers of both classical and jazz music – said Peter Sarik about his Bartók project.

Table reservations are automatically added during ticket purchase.
Please note that if you purchase an odd number of seats, you might have to share the table with others, especially if the concert is sold out.
For the best dining experience please arrive around 7pm.
We hold reservations until 8pm.

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