
Ditta Rohmann – Péter Szalai – Szabolcs Szőke Trio & Melisa Yıldırım: Silence and Escape

Ditta Rohmann – Péter Szalai – Szabolcs Szőke Trio & Melisa Yıldırım: Silence and Escape

Silence and Escape is the fruit of a collaboration between three musicians following their own paths. Ditta Rohmann is a versatile artist, who appears regularly with her cello as a soloist in large concert halls, improvising in world music ensembles, in joint performances with dancers, as a chamber musician and more recently as an actor.  more

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Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Wednesday, January 17 2024 8:00PM

Szabolcs Szőke began his career forty-six years ago with the Orfeo Group, a group of puppet theatre, theatre and music performers. From this grew the Studio K theatre and the equally legendary Kolinda Ensemble, with which Szőke made it to the stage of the Olympia in Paris. After the break-up of Kolinda, he became a member of Makám & Kolinda and then Makám, making him one of the godfathers of Hungarian world music.

"Gadulka Man" – as he was called by WOMEX artistic director and world-renowned musician-producer Ben Mandelson. Of all instruments, the gadulka remains Szőke's most faithful companion, but he masters dozens of exotic instruments from the Indian sarangi to the African mbira. He plays ethnic and chamber music, jazz and their unique fusions, with the same depth and uncompromised attitude over many years. Hungarian percussionist Péter Szalai is a master of North Indian classical music and one of the best Western-born tabla musicians of our time. He has been a guest performer on tabla and other percussion instruments on numerous publications and is a sought-after contributor to various jazz, ethno and fusion productions.

On this special occasion, the trio welcomes Turkish kemençe player Melisa Yıldırım as a special guest. Melisa is working with various professional artists around the world and she composes music close to traditional Anatolian music forms. Her styles and influences range from Sufi music to Anatolian folk, as well as Iranian genres and contemporary world music.


    Ditta Rohmann - cello, aquaphone, voice
    Péter Szalai - cajon, cajonito, kalimba, bass kalimba, frame drum, aquaphone, percussion
    Szabolcs Szőke - gadulka, array mbira, sarangi
    Melisa Yıldırım - kemençe

Table reservations are automatically added during ticket purchase.
Please note that if you purchase an odd number of seats, you might have to share the table with others, especially if the concert is sold out.
For the best dining experience please arrive around 7pm.
We hold reservations until 8pm.

For more information, please call +36 1 216 7894

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