Rising Sun - MadayArt
The live music production Rising Sun is a combination of energies based on dynamic but meditative movement, triggering elementary and ancient energies.
The live music production Rising Sun is a combination of energies based on dynamic but meditative movement, triggering elementary and ancient energies.
Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a Jegy.hu keresőjében!
Last event date: Wednesday, May 29 2024 7:00PM
Without sparing silence as musicality, it will invite its viewers to interior landscapes presenting the colours and the character traits of noisy musical cavalcade and individuals. The harmony of music and dance also makes the dramas of our lives lighter. They were born together, still in distant ancient times. Their paths later parted, but the sense of their interdependence has remained at all times.
Performed by
Boglárka Bali, Krisztina Baumgartner, Elisa Insalata, Enikő Kovács, Tímea Kinga Maday, Attila Szalay, Lúcia Szatai
Music: ATARU Taiko ütőegyüttes, Ákos Vértes
Light Designer: József Pető
Costume design: Emese Kasza
Contributor: József Hámor
Choreographed by Tímea Kinga Maday
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