
Máté Pozsár Sextet

Máté Pozsár Sextet

Máté Pozsár he invites to the Opus the third time his close musical friends, to join him in his drumless sextet and realize his slowly building, transparent chamber music, exuberant both in binding terms and in free improvisation.

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Last event date: Thursday, August 26 2021 8:00PM

Máté Pozsár Sextet (HU)

János Ávéd - saxophone, flute
Gergő Kováts - saxophone, flute
Dániel Cseke - saxophone
Márton Menyhért - guitar
Máté Pozsár - piano
Ernő Hock - double bass

The excellent pianist, Máté Pozsár is recognized mostly as one of the inevitable figures on the Hungarian creative music scene, being member of different groups by István Grencsó, Szilárd Mezei, István Baló or Péter Ajtai. However, being himself not just a fan but even professor in music theory, he has been developing since a couple of years a conceptual compositional method which is based on harmonies and voices inherent in the modal and the polymodal harmonics. He invites to the Opus the third time his close musical friends, to join him in his drumless sextet and realize his slowly building, transparent chamber music, exuberant both in binding terms and in free improvisation.

This concert was supported, in line with the Government decree 1290/ 2020. (VI.5) related to cultural institutions, in order to ease the economic difficulties caused by the Covid19 pandemic.

Table reservations are automatically added during ticket purchase.
For the best dining experience please arrive around 7pm.
We hold reservations until 8pm.

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