
Máté Pozsár Septet (HU)

Máté Pozsár Septet (HU)

As a music theory enthusiast and teacher, Máté Pozsár has been working in recent years on a conceptual composition method based on the harmonies and timbres inherent in modal and polymodal harmony.

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Last event date: Wednesday, March 13 2024 8:00PM

Máté Pozsár Septet (HU)

János Ávéd - soprano saxophone, flute
Gergő Kováts - baritone saxophone, flute
Dániel Cseke - tenor saxophone, flute
Márton Menyhért - guitar, modular synthesizers
Máté Pozsár - piano, synthesizers
Ernő Hock - double bass
Szilveszter Miklós - snare drum, percussion

Pianist Máté Pozsár, an unavoidable figure on the Hungarian creative music scene, was known to the audience primarily as a member of the bands of István Grencsó, Szilárd Mezei, István Baló and Péter Ajtai. In addition, as a music theory enthusiast and teacher, he has been working in recent years on a conceptual compositional method based on the harmonies and timbres inherent in modal and polymodal harmony. Formed in 2019, he invited his close friends to join his exciting drumless sextet, with whom he has already performed his slowly building, translucent chamber music ideas, rich in both constraints and improvisation, on four occasions at Opus. This time, the line-up is expanded to a septet, with drummer Szilveszter Miklós playing the snare drum and percussion.

Table reservations are automatically added during ticket purchase.
Please note that if you purchase an odd number of seats, you might have to share the table with others, especially if the concert is sold out.
For the best dining experience please arrive around 7pm.
We hold reservations until 8pm.

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