
PONT Fesztivál - Április 14. / NAPIJEGY / BTF 2019

PONT Fesztivál - Április 14. / NAPIJEGY / BTF 2019

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Last event date: Sunday, April 14 2019 7:30PM

11 am Vilmos Gryllus’s show for children

4 pm Tune In – A fairy-tale concert

7.30 pm Kálmán Balogh and Dezső Fitos Company


The PONT Festival presents traditions, customs, dances, and flavours from Hungary and the Balkans, treasures from UNESCO’s list of cultural heritage. From the morning, there will be interactive activities for the family, with Vilmos Gryllus welcoming spring with his songs, and folk music and fairy tales setting the mood at another concert, Tune In.

At events throughout the day for the whole family, dances, artisanal traditions, and the gastronomy of the region will be introduced. Experts will teach the tricks of lacemaking, wood carving, and carpet making to visitors, who can also make masks and learn to dance the kolo.

At the end of the day, world-famous cimbalom player Kálmán Balogh and the band of his choice will present two UNESCO cultural heritage listed Romanian traditions, the Doina and the Kaluser. The latter is an initiation rite, a dance of legendary virtuosity, which will be performed by the Dezső Fitos Company.

An event jointly organized with Hangvető.



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