
Point of Few (CZ)

Point of Few (CZ)

The majority of their music is composed together to be sure that each musical individuality is imprinted right into the songs, which generates the authentic sound of the band.

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Last event date: Thursday, September 28 2023 8:00PM

Point of Few (CZ)

Radim Přidal - guitar
Petr Smékal - saxophone
Vlastimil Škoda - bass guitar
Marek Antoňů - drums

Point of Few is a new instrumental quartet from the Czech Republic, with an extremely fresh sound, organically combining electronic and popular music with contemporary jazz. Despite the fact that the compositions often have unplotted forms or use odd meters, they still sound like songs with separate worlds, telling stories. The majority of their music is composed together to be sure that each musical individuality is imprinted right into the songs, which generates the authentic sound of the band.

They draw inspiration eclectically across contemporary jazz and popular music, and try to blend these two worlds into one naturally. The defining influence is the current New York jazz scene and musicians such as Justin Brown, James Francies, Jeremy Dutton, Mark Guiliana, Donny McCaslin, Robert Glasper and Charles Altura, but occasionally echoes of early jazz idols such as Pat Metheny and Bill Frisell peek out of their work. In the field of popular music, it’s a varied mix ranging from David Bowie to Radiohead, and the Red Hot Chilli Peppers to Anderson Paak, to name a few.

The project has been put together by guitarist Radim Přidal in 2019, from highly original members of the Czech jazz scene. In 2020 they released five live session videos in different, often unsual environments. During the pandemic, they used the time to create new music and find their own sound, and they came out of it with a ready, mature and sophisticated debut album, Open to Closeness, featuring star New York keyboardist Jason Lindner. The album’s title carries a strong non-musical theme: “As a society, we’ve isolated ourselves in our shells, be they cities, apartments, or cars, thinking that we’ve matured to our surroundings, that we’ve conquered them, that we can cut ourselves off from their influence, and that we’re better off without them. But now we are coming to the point that eventually we have no choice but to come out of these shells again and find a new relationship with the environment, a new way to live in connection and intimacy with it.”

Photos: Roman Franc

Table reservations are automatically added during ticket purchase.
Please note that if you purchase an odd number of seats, you might have to share the table with others, especially if the concert is sold out.
For the best dining experience please arrive around 7pm.
We hold reservations until 8pm.

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