
Madama Butterfly

Madama Butterfly

Giacomo Puccini
Opera in three acts, in Italian with Hungarian, English, and Italian subtitles

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Last event date: Tuesday, July 11 2023 7:00PM

The tale of Cio-Cio san and Pinkerton stands out as one of the finest romantic tragedies ever written. Convinced that her 'temporary marriage' is not only legally binding, but also founded on reciprocated feelings, 'Madama' Butterfly loses every last shred of hope, until death offers the only possible escape. 'Had it not been set in an exotic locale far from here,' went the commentary on the play that inspired the libretto, 'the suffering would be unbearable.' For opera lovers, Puccini's wonderful music elevates tragedy to the heights of catharsis.

Librettist: Giuseppe Giacosa / Luigi Illica
Director: Miklós Gábor Kerényi
Set designer: Kentaur
Costume designer: Ilona Vágvölgyi
English surtitles: Arthur Roger Crane
Hungarian surtitles: Judit Kenesey
Chorus director: Gábor Csiki

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