Modern Art Orchestra & Peter Erskine, Sherry Williams: The Standards of Tomorrow
The Modern Art Orchestra (MAO), which has always paid special attention to its contemporaries, has compiled a selection of iconic works from these composers.
The Modern Art Orchestra (MAO), which has always paid special attention to its contemporaries, has compiled a selection of iconic works from these composers.
Hungarian jazz composition boasts an illustrious line of world class, internationally acclaimed creators that stretches beyond Gábor Szabó and Attila Zoller. The hall of immortal Hungarian songwriters also has a place for numerous jazz musicians still among us today, and others that have recently departed this mortal coil: the compositions of Vukán, Szakcsi, Babos, László Dés, Mihály Dresch, Attila László, Kálmán Oláh, Mihály Borbély, Elemér Balázs and Kornél Fekete-Kovács are lovingly performed both in Hungary and around the world. The Modern Art Orchestra (MAO), which has always paid special attention to its contemporaries, has compiled a selection of iconic works from these composers, with instrumentation from band leader Kornél Fekete-Kovács. The drumming legend Peter Erskine will be playing Hungarian music alongside Hungarians for the umpteenth time, while we have also heard Sherry Williams before in a unique MAO performance of Liszt’s Via crucis. The music will also hum with the vibrations of the Hungarian instrument, the cimbalom – courtesy of Miklós Lukács.
trumpet, flugelhorn, artistic director - Kornél Fekete-Kovács
drums - Peter Erskine
vocals - Sherry Williams
cimbalom - Miklós Lukács
Modern Art Orchestra
Presented by: Müpa Budapest
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