Pászti season ticket 3
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Last event date: Saturday, December 15 2018 7:30PM
ROSSINI: Le siège de Corinthe – Pamira's aria
ROSSINI: Moses – scene from the first act, the prayer of Moses
SCHUBERT: Miriam's Song of Triumph
ROSSINI: Petite messe solennelle
Zsófia Bódi – soprano (Rossini)
Gertrúd Wittinger – soprano
Lúcia Megyesi-Schwartz – mezzo-soprano
István Horváth – tenor
Csaba Sándor – baritone
Hungarian National Choir (choir master: Csaba Somos)
Dóra Bizják, Jozsef Acs, Károly Zentai – piano
Conductor: Janos Acs
When the Rossinis arrived in Vienna in 1823, Rossini fever had reached its peak: the enthusiasm of the Viennese had developed into euphoria. They wore Rossini hats and Rossini ties and ate Rossini food. Rossini's works packed out the musical theatres of Vienna in the strictest sense of the word. Beethoven also hosted the Rossinis and praised the Barber of Seville. Schubert considered the Italian master an "outstanding genius" and had also begun to compose in the Italian style in the anticipation of his future success. At 37 years of age, Rossini almost completely retired to indulge in gastronomy and savour the fruits of life: "To live and to love, to sing and to digest: These are the four acts of this peculiar opera we call life, which disappears into nothing like the froth from a bottle of champagne. He who leaves it, who flees from it instead of enjoying it, is truly crazy!" he declared. The conductor János Ács, who has worked with a number of world stars, made his debut in Genoa in 1979, before performing for many years as the celebrated conductor of the Three Tenors concerts. He counted Pavarotti among his closest friends.
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