
Parázsfuvolácska – The Magic Flute for Children

Parázsfuvolácska – The Magic Flute for Children

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
PARÁZSFUVOLÁCSKA – The Magic Flute for Children
Fairy-tale Singspiel in two parts, in Hungarian, with Hungarian and English surtitles

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Although Mozart's opera is a fairy tale for grown-ups, its wondrous elements - the trial of Tamino and Pamina, the comic antics of Papageno, and not least of all, the enchanting music of Mozart - also make it a perfect introduction to the world of opera for children. It's just a matter of serving up the work to them in an appropriate fashion. The distinguished poet János Lackfi, a father himself, has helped us re-conceive and rework The Magic Flute expressly for the enjoyment of little ones. With added attractions galore, youngsters of all ages are sure to be enchanted!

Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Librettist: Emanuel Schikaneder
Translator: Zsolt Harsányi, Sándor Fischer
Paraphrased by: János Lackfi
Director: Attila Toronykőy
Set and costume designer: Katalin Juhász
Circus expert, choreographer: Tünde Vincze
English surtitles: Arthur Roger Crane
Head of the children's chorus: Nikolett Hajzer
Chorus director: Gábor Csiki

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