
Orchestra Nazionale della Luna (BE/FI/FR)

Orchestra Nazionale della Luna (BE/FI/FR)

Founded by Kari Ikonen (piano, moog – Finland) and Manuel Hermia (sax, bansuri – Belgium), the Orchestra Nazionale della Luna is a modern jazz quartet, both rooted in the tradition of jazz and open to our time and all the horizons of our vast world.  more

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Last event date: Friday, August 18 2023 8:00PM

Both the moog and the bansuri expand the field of a classical quartet by inviting the sounds of India, Arabic music, as well as more electronic effects.

Piano and sax are supported by the background of an intense rhythmic complicity between Sébastien Boisseau (double bass – France) and Teun Verbruggen (drums – Belgium), who share with the soloists rhythmic and melodic jousting, surprising at any moment.

An intoxication of swing rocked by modernism, with the suspicion sometimes of a spiritual depth in the music, sometimes of quirky, almost Fellinian humor, which make this Orchestra Nazionale della Luna a quite unique musical meteorite.

The band took a stand about the ecological crisis on their second album, There Is Still Life On Earth, released on BMC Records in 2020. Exploring the balance between composing and improvising, acoustic and electronic sounds, order and chaos, their new repertoire – to be recorded in the days before the concert for BMC Records – will question the social disruptions caused by new technologies and AI.


Manuel Hermia - saxophones, flute, bansouri
Kari Ikonen - piano, moog
Sébastien Boisseau - double bass
Teun Verbruggen - drums

Table reservations are automatically added during ticket purchase.
Please note that if you purchase an odd number of seats, you might have to share the table with others, especially if the concert is sold out.
For the best dining experience please arrive around 7pm.
We hold reservations until 8pm.

For more information, please call +36 1 216 7894

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