


With the First Orchestra

Nincs aktuális előadás

Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Monday, September 26 2022 7:30PM

Every year it is a great event when Hungary’s first symphony orchestra, the OPERA Orchestra performs for the first time between the walls of a brick-and-mortar theatre in the new season, after the summer break and the special open-air tasks of the summer. Our aim is to increasingly show our audiences that our orchestral performances will be built around three main features that we wish to use in order to clearly differentiate the orchestra and the institution from the multitude of excellent programmes in Budapest. First: we wish to provide concert-goers a visual (we like to say a “multidisciplinary”) experience worthy of the OPERA, including with the use of lighting effects, projection, and other related arts. Second: OPERA Orchestra concerts will always include opera overtures, as we understand and play these excellent works best, and will also include opera songs or other works requiring singers in addition to the symphony orchestra. Third: The best members of the OPERA Orchestra should always be provided a role as solo performers.

Liszt: Prometheus
Miklós Kocsár: Concerto Lirico
Hollós: Birth of a Myth – world premiere
Liszt: Tasso

Conductor: Balázs Kocsár

Featuring: Máté Szűcs (viola) and the Hungarian State Opera Orchestra (orchestra director Gergely Popa)

Hosted by: Melitta Gyüdi

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