
Once Upon an Opera

Once Upon an Opera

Fairy tales and musicFairy tales and music from a far-off land
Please note that this programme is in Hungarian and we do not provide any translations. from a far-off land

Nincs aktuális előadás

Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Saturday, November 04 2023 11:00AM

With this new children’s programme, the Hungarian State Opera has set itself the ambitious aim of introducing younger folks to the wider world through the literature, music, history and important figures of opera and ballet. Music historian Dániel Mona, who runs other educational programmes as well and has worked with the Opera for years now, has the task of gathering together all his experience along with the Opera’s costumes, props, musicians, singers and dancers and wandering the rooms of the Eiffel Art Studios in order to tour the big wide world with the visiting children.
This production features the musicians, singers and dancers of the Hungarian State Opera.

Story teller: Mona Dániel
Director: Harangi Mária
Please note that this programme is in Hungarian and we do not provide any translations.

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A 60-minute tour starts every day at 13:30, 15:00 and 16:30 in English. To request a tour in other languages (Italian, Spanish, German, French and Hungarian), please get in touch with the OperaTour team. Please note that the auditorium is closed for visits during rehearsals. Guided tours are not available during performances.

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