
Nuova Generazione Jazz / Francesco Fiorenzani Silent Water (IT)

Nuova Generazione Jazz / Francesco Fiorenzani Silent Water (IT)

After their first album released for the Auand label in 2018, to which they had participated as Guests Camilla Battaglia vocals and Achilles Succi at the alto sax and low clarinet, the repertoire was naturally evolved in an ever deeper exploration of the timbric possibilities of the quartet.  more

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Last event date: Friday, May 06 2022 8:00PM

The 'electric' turning turned closely connected to the music of the new repertoire in which the care for the melodic, harmonious and rhythmic form equals that for the timbre expressiveness and the search for an interplay space between the band's components based on New balances: Drons, distortions, White Noise, Pure Noise. The band was selected in 2020 for the new generation jazz circuit supported by i-jazz and Europe Jazz Network with the possibility of presenting themselves in national and international prestigious contexts before the next record release next year

Francesco Fiorenzani - guitar, compositions
Luca Sguera - piano, Fender Rhodes, synthesizer
Francesco Ponticelli - bass guitar
Bernardo Guerra - drums

Table reservations are automatically added during ticket purchase.
For the best dining experience please arrive around 7pm.
We hold reservations until 8pm.

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