
Barnabás Négyessy Quartet feat. Bálint Gyémánt

Barnabás Négyessy Quartet feat. Bálint Gyémánt

The band now arrives with a fresh concept: in addition to giving an overview of their work and their defining musical impressions, for the second half of the concert they invited celebrated Hungarian guitarist Bálint Gyémánt to present a quintet arrangement of their earlier and new compositions.

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Last event date: Friday, August 23 2024 8:00PM

Barnabás Négyessy - guitar, fx
Bálint Banyó - piano, Fender Rhodes
Brúnó Barakonyi - double bass
Adonisz Fábry - drums
Bálint Gyémánt - guitar

Barnabás Négyessy, guitarist and composer, studied at the Béla Bartók Conservatory in Budapest with Bálint Gyémánt and Gábor Juhász, and is currently studying at the University of Music in Graz. In the autumn of 2022 he formed his quartet, whose programme consists mainly of their own compositions and arrangements of some of the best-known songs of jazz history. Their songs are characterised by intimate, melancholic melodies and often energetic passages. Their repertoire draws mainly on the musical world of Brad Mehldau, Kurt Rosenwinkel, Bill Frisell, and Wayne Shorter. They also strive to combine different styles, organically shaping them into a unique, homogeneous sound. Their compositions are influenced by modern jazz, experimental free improvisation, rock, pop, contemporary minimalist music, classical and folk music. Their playing style and improvisational language give equal role to all the instruments, allowing the members to build on each other's ideas.

The band now arrives with a fresh concept: in addition to giving an overview of their work and their defining musical impressions, for the second half of the concert they invited celebrated Hungarian guitarist Bálint Gyémánt to present a quintet arrangement of their earlier and new compositions.

Table reservations are automatically added during ticket purchase.
Please note that if you purchase an odd number of seats, you might have to share the table with others, especially if the concert is sold out.
For the best dining experience please arrive around 7pm.
We hold reservations until 8pm.

For more information, please call +36 1 216 7894

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