
Muchachos! – Argentína focilázban

Muchachos! – Argentína focilázban

Muchachos, la película de la gente
Argentinian documentry, 100 min, 2023
in Span ish language. with Hungarian subtitles

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Last event date: Friday, September 06 2024 7:00PM

Director: Jesús Braceras
Written by Jesús Braceras, Hernán Casciari
Nattared by Guillermo Francella

In ’People’s World Cup: Street Symphony’ directed by Jesús Braceras, we delve into the heart of the Argentine fanbase during the 20222 Quatar World Cup. This documentary immerses us in the passionate football devotion that spans an entire nation. From the silent streets of rural Argentine towns to the bustling stadiums in Quatar, the film captures the madness, the suffering , and the joy of the fans, along with the popular reactions of influencers and streamers who experienced the tournament in real time.


Narrated by Guillermo Francella, ’People’s World Cup: Street Symphony’ is an authentic testament of the almost religious connection that the Argentine national team forges with its people. More than a movie, this experience invites you to dive into the celebration of the third star and the shared glory in a unique and touching way. A sincere look at the passion that football awakens in Argentina and its people.

Special guest of the evening is Sr Alberto César Tarantini, member of the Argentina national football team winning the 1978 FIFA World Cup. Sr Tarantini is going to greet the audience before the screening.

The event is organised by the Embassy of Argentina and its sponsors: Winehub, Franui and Turkish Airlines.


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