
Móser Ádám / !Villedyvoch

Móser Ádám / !Villedyvoch

Ádám Móser says about tango: "Tango for me has always been about the meeting of cultures, just like chanson. It is about the tension born along the fault lines of traditions and its release. Passion, life and death.  more

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Last event date: Wednesday, August 09 2023 8:00PM

Tango is as much about Eastern Europe as it is about Argentina, New York or Odessa. In the chanson, we find the Balkans and Paris. My music revolves around the freedom of improvisation. French, Jewish, Argentinian, Balkan and circus music are mixed with contemporary elements. When I play, my music always ends up becoming a story that tells the story of freedom without words."

¡Villedyvoch is the newest band of Ádám Móser. After his solo project and the ¡Nosnach duo, it is a new version, a station and a densification of the musical universe that Ádám calls French-Balkan-Klesmer-Tango. All three line-ups will be heard during the evening. After the solo accordion, which introduces us to the musical world, he will be joined by Endre Kertész in ¡Nosnach: familiar-unfamiliar melodies, stories told by instruments. An ankle, a lock of hair, a sigh. A shrug of the shoulders, a smile. Old images. Goodbye at dawn, meeting, embraces. Nights, streets, lodgings.

And finally, ¡Villedyvoch, where Ádám takes the lessons of his previous projects further and breaks new ground. A similar world in a completely different constellation. In the trio, alongside Endre, he evokes the past and tradition with Bartek Zsolt, creating a new balance and at the same time a new world. His compositions mix Jewish music, Piazzolla, contemporary chamber music and jazz in endless improvisations with the atmosphere of Paris, New York and Odessa in the 1930s.


Ádám Móser - accordion
Endre Kertész - cello
Zsolt Bartek - bass clarinet

Table reservations are automatically added during ticket purchase.
Please note that if you purchase an odd number of seats, you might have to share the table with others, especially if the concert is sold out.
For the best dining experience please arrive around 7pm.
We hold reservations until 8pm.

For more information, please call +36 1 216 7894

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Egy családi utazás nagy meglepetésekkel szolgálhat. Tomas, az üzletember egy síparadicsomba viszi szeretteit a téli vakációra. Váratlanul azonban lezúdul egy lavina és magával sodor sok mindent – ha magukat a családtagokat nem is, de sok illúziót, önáltatást, hamis ábrándot.

Déry Tibor – Pós Sándor – Presser Gábor – Adamis Anna: KÉPZELT RIPORT EGY AMERIKAI POPFESZTIVÁLRÓL musical - turné

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