Tell Me, Attila, My Dear!
An evening of Attila József’s poetry with Miklós Vecsei H.
An evening of Attila József’s poetry with Miklós Vecsei H.
What does Attila József mean to us? We know his life. We all have our favourite József poem. We keep reinterpreting his lines, as we grow older. But we rarely consider the devastating passion and yearning to love, which burned inside him. Sándor Márai wrote about him in his diary: “With the power of madness, with a single word Attila József reached deeper than anyone else had done before him.” Miklós Vecsei H.’s solo performance draws on this depth, it is from this place that he tries to present us the poet’s walk of life, his loves and poetry - not far from the lowest stone of the embankment.
With this performance we commemorate the 80th anniversary of Attila József’s death.
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