
Modern Art Orchestra: Dob és Tánc – a Tribute to Sándor Weöres, featuring Veronika Harcsa

Modern Art Orchestra: Dob és Tánc – a Tribute to Sándor Weöres, featuring Veronika Harcsa

The 20th century Hungarian poet Sándor Weöres wrote in such a musical way, that you just have to put his poems down onto music sheets, says the artistic director of the Modern Art Orchestra Kornél Fekete-Kovács. The next concert of the big band is devoted entirely to music composed of poems by the beloved classic Hungarian poet.

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Last event date: Sunday, December 17 2023 7:00PM

Modern Art Orchestra: Dob és Tánc
a Tribute to Sándor Weöres, featuring Veronika Harcsa

Veronika Harcsa – voice
Modern Art Orchestra
Artistic director: Kornél Fekete-Kovács

Texts by Sándor Weöres, whose poems have been learnt and adored by kids from pre-school age by many following generations, have already been put to music in every style, mostly those famously rhythmical children’s poems. Explaining how he composed the first piece of music a few years back to a poem by Weöres, Fekete-Kovács says he just identified the melody as indicated by the syllables in the original poems. The long poem Dob és tánc (Drum and Dance) was his first adaptation, sung by Veronika Harcsa and Dan Bárta with a quintet featuring the composer.

Prior to the premiere Fekete-Kovács sent the score and a recording of the poem put to music to the administrator of the rights of the late poet. He got a very favourable response immediately: saying that the administrator was very happy with it and was looking forward to hearing more of it. Now has the time come to perform a full evening of music composed of the wonderful poetry of Weöres. In addition to the bandleader, who also composed new material since, works will be premiered by the section leaders and composers of MAO: János Ávéd, Kristóf Bacsó, Gábor Cseke, Attila Korb and Gábor Subicz. The featured artist of the night will be singer Veronika Harcsa, whose artistic, beautiful voice is perfect for this recital.

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