
Mindörökké tiéd (Csortos)

Mindörökké tiéd (Csortos)

Eternal You
German documentary, 87 min, 2025
in English with Hungarian subtitles

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Director: Hans Block, Moritz Riesewieck

If you had the chance to talk to a loved one who died, would you take it? ETERNAL YOU delves into the world of startups using AI to create avatars of the deceased. A film about what might become one of the greatest human experiments of our time.

ETERNAL YOU examines the story of people who live on as digital replicants in the pockets of their loved ones. With the help of artificial intelligence and Big Data, a dream comes true that is as old as mankind itself: eternal life. It’s probably the biggest business idea of the digital age. Following tech start-ups which use a wealth of data to develop “digital doppelgangers,” which promise to immortalize people on earth. The film raises a number of questions, such as: Can a digital entity compensate for the loss of a loved one? How will human memory be affected? And do we not have the right to forget?

Premier: 2025.03.06.

Distributor: Vertigo Média

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