Messiah (Der Messias)
Georg Friedrich Händel – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Messiah (Der Messias)
Staged oratorio in three parts, without intermission, in Hungarian, with Hungarian and English surtitles
Georg Friedrich Händel – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Messiah (Der Messias)
Staged oratorio in three parts, without intermission, in Hungarian, with Hungarian and English surtitles
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Last event date: Monday, December 20 2021 7:00PM
Proclaiming (notably with the popular “Hallelujah” chorus) the coming and resurrection of the Saviour, Messiah remains to this day one of the most popular of Handel’s works. A little under half a century after its 1742 world premiere in Dublin, it was performed for the first time in the revised and rescored German-language version Der Messias created by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The “German Messiah” thus is the fruit of an extraordinary “collaboration” between two geniuses: the scintillating brilliance of Handel as interpreted by Mozart.
On the occasion of the Christian Season, the Opera is including the oratorio in its programme for the first time in a staged format. With Ferenc Anger directing, Mozart’s arrangement will be sung in a new Hungarian translation by Ádám Nádasdy.
General castConductor.......Gergely Kesselyák
Soprano..........Rita Rácz
Alto............ .....Atala Schöck
Tenor...............István Horváth
Bas..................Krisztián Cser
Music revised by: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Original, English-language libretto compiled from biblical passages by: Charles Jennens
Libretto translated into German by: Christoph Daniel Ebeling / Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock
Hungarian text: Ádám Nádasdy
Director: Ferenc Anger
Set designer:Gergely Zöldy Z
Costume designer: Mónika Szelei
Choreographer: Marianna Venekei
Chorus director: Gábor Csiki
Premier: 21/12/2019
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„Hegedűs a háztetőn… valahol mind azok vagyunk. Megpróbálunk egy letisztult dallamot kicsalni, miközben egyensúlyozunk, hogy ne szegjük nyakunkat. Nem könnyű!”
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