Menyegző • Feledi János – Feledi Project
Wedding fiesta. A performance about the path to the wedding, about desire and about physicality.
Wedding fiesta. A performance about the path to the wedding, about desire and about physicality.
Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!
Last event date: Tuesday, May 21 2024 7:30PM
You can see a world of modern wedding dances, where three love stories unfold, from selecting the partner to fulfilment.
Of course, love means something different to everyone, we all experience it differently, expect something different and give something different.
Stravinsky is a freedom fighter in the history of music literature, his music is a set of disharmonies, a raging force. The music piece Wedding is perfect for one of the most basic human instincts, where the many musical contra tempos perfectly convey the expression of the desire to belong to another person. This is what Stravinsky said about his music and his audience: "What moves me and what gives me pleasure leaves them indifferent, and what interests them no longer attracts me."
Performed by Feledi Project
Music: Igor Sztravinszkij
Set design: Krisztián Minorics
Costumes: Nikolett Bati
Light Designer: József Pető
Directed and choreographed by János Feledi
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