
MASNI AND POCÓ WITH RÉKA MIHÁLYI - Superhero - Album launch concert / MINI MATINÉE

MASNI AND POCÓ WITH RÉKA MIHÁLYI - Superhero - Album launch concert / MINI MATINÉE

In her songs, the singer Réka Mihályi deals with the problems and joys of children of kindergarten age. Naturally, Masni and Pocó, the duo in the title role, will also take the stage - with the help of two puppeteers.

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Last event date: Saturday, September 14 2024 11:00AM

Superhero - Album launch concert

The two fictional characters Masni and Pocó have already developed a serious fanbase on social media, though their followers won't be the only ones happy to hear the news: Müpa Budapest is to set to host a concert from their creator Réka Mihályi to mark the release of her new record, Szuperhős (Superhero)! Mihályi's sweet, humorous lyrics and high quality music will now be paired with some brand new material. In her songs, the singer Réka Mihályi deals with the problems and joys of children of kindergarten age. Naturally, Masni and Pocó, the duo in the title role, will also take the stage - with the help of two puppeteers. Mihályi's tracks will be performed with accompaniment from a quartet, while Réka Farkasházi will also appear as a special guest.

vocals - Réka Mihályi

piano: Áron Romhányi
guitar: Zoltán Gyalog
bass guitar: Gergő Baranyi
drums: Gyula Vas
puppeteers: Erzsébet Szabados, Olivér Szilner

Special guest:
vocals: Réka Farkasházi

Age: 3-8 year
Presented by: Müpa Budapest

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Székely Csaba drámaíróként először 2011-ben, a POSZT Nyílt Fórum programjában tűnt fel, ahol Bányavirág című színdarabjáért a Színházi Dramaturgok Céhe neki ítélte oda a Vilmos-díjat. Pályája azóta töretlenül ível felfelé. Darabjait számos magyar színház bemutatta, ő pedig háromszor nyerte el a Színikritikusok díját a legjobb új magyar drámáért.

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