
Mary’s Gospel rockopera

Mary’s Gospel rockopera

László Tolcsvay, Péter Müller and Sziámi Péter Müller's rockopera the Mary's Gospel was presented 30 years ago at the Madách Theater in Budapest, and since then it become a recurring hit on the hungarian, international musical stages. The show is telling the story of the mother of Jesus Christ.

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Last event date: Sunday, May 19 2024 8:00PM

László Tolcsvay– Péter Müller–Péter Sziámi Müller: Mary's Gospel
(Rainday: 20th May)

We can follow the events from her youth through Christ's birth and death on the cross to Mary's ascension in the visionary interpretation of the apostle John.

The work is focused on Mary's tender love and motherhood, the painful female fate she experienced with her wonderful son, with all its beauty and struggles.

This work presenting a religious theme through the genre of rockopera occupies a special place in Hungarian theater and cultural history.

At the same time, it can show sacredness, the greatness of divine power, the all-conquering power of love, but also human feelings, doubts, fears and the spiritual background of decisions.

The performance, made with the participation of the excellent singers and creators of the hungarian musical theatre scene, will be directed by Tamás Juronics, the spectacular scenery will be designed by Balázs Cziegler, and the costumes are designed by Mari Benedek. The Szeged Contemporary Ballet and the orchestra and choir of the Győr National Theater will participate in the grandiose performance.

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