
Modern Art Orchestra plays Sacred Music

Modern Art Orchestra plays Sacred Music

Modern Art Orchestra
Artistic director: Kornél Fekete-Kovács

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Duke Ellington was the one whose eponymous composition made Sacred Music an acceptable term in jazz, to signifiy an inspired and elevated state of mind, one which was reached by many jazz musicians to go beyond the world of regular music played in the church. Although one of the early albums of the Modern Art Orchestra is a Christmas album, but this time they have shifted more towards expressing those deep and inner feelings that do not really resemble the seasonal repertoire, rather the experience of the transcendent in a more personal way. This was the artistic position leading to the adaptation of the oratorical piece by Franz Liszt, Via Crucis, but they will also interpret classic parts of Messiah by Händel, and Bach will also be adapted for the big band.

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A nagy érdeklődésre való tekintettel, dupla Geszti Sixty koncert az Arénában!

Egy letűnt korszak lenyomata, amely ma is érvényes tükröt tart elénk: hőseink áldozatok, megváltást keresők, megbocsátásra képtelen tévelygők, szerelemre vágyók, összeesküvők és megalkuvók. De mindegyikükben ott él a remény a szellem és lélek felemelkedésében.

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