
MAO Art of Virus #10 Subicz Gábor feat. Emiliano Sampaio

MAO Art of Virus #10 Subicz Gábor feat. Emiliano Sampaio

MAO gives highlighted attention to the artist and their connections to the Art of Virus project in the 2021/22 season. The concert series features the pieces of the 10 branches from the project in ten concerts. The host of the concert in May will be Gábor Subicz and the guest composer will be Emiliano Sampaio.

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Last event date: Thursday, May 26 2022 8:00PM

Gábor Subicz, the young master musician, composes and arranges music for the Modern Art Orchestra on a regular basis, he wrote pieces for the Bartók-, and Kodály-albums also. His own album, played by MAO is the Mind’s Ear was released in 2017. The Brazilian Emiliano Sampaio joined the challenge after Subicz’s invitation. Sampaio contributed to projects as composer, arranger and conductor, such as the Metropole Orkest (Holland), HR Frankfurt Radio Big Band, to name a few. Sampaio’s studio work includes 11 albumes.

Gábor Subicz is a Hungarian trumpeter, composer and arranger who has been contributing to our homeland’s cultural life with musical productions that are always created and conducted with the highest level of artistic taste and proficiency. He does not only create art of a quality that is unquestionable, but also proves that this curious, creative and jazz-infused music has an audience, which is significantly broader than one would expect. A great example for this is the 2020 album of Subicz’s band, Subtones: Octopus. The young master musician composes and arranges music for the Modern Art Orchestra on a regular basis, he wrote pieces for the Bartók-, and Kodály-albums also. His own album, played by MAO is the Mind’s Ear was released in 2017.

Gábor Subicz on Art Of Virus:

"Kornél Fekete-Kovács launched the most interesting online cultural project of the past years with the Art Of Virus Challenge. It is a remarkably fresh idea, a very simple, but endlessly transformable task and a structure never seen before. It can very well serve as a prototype of future life tree-structured musical projects. However, it might as well remain a once-a-lifetime phenomenon. Both ways are satisfying, as AOV is extremely unique in itself."

Gábor is the starter of AOV #10, the Brazilian Emiliano Sampaio joined the challenge after Subicz’s invitation.

The two musicians met in 2014  in Copenhagen, within the context of a competition for music composers. "Emiliano is currently living in Graz, but he is a true cosmopolitan. His music demonstrates this very well: he is transfusing jazz with the South-American musical heritage with ease, creating airy but meaningful compositions. I am looking forward to hearing his arrangements made for the Modern Art Orchestra and to our collaboration!"

Sampaio contributed to projects as composer, arranger and conductor, such as the Metropole Orkest (Holland), HR Frankfurt Radio Big Band, JazzKombinat  (Hamburg), Uptown Big Band (Bern), Big Band & the Vocals (Copenhagen), or the Graz Composers Orchestra. Sampaio’s fruitful studio work includes 11 albumes published under his name as leader. Modern Art Orchestra AOV 10# seems to be a very exciting event in the concert calendar.

About the Art of Virus:

Kornél Fekete-Kovács, the art director of MAO launched nine notes and passed these to ten well-known composers worldwide during the 2020-quarantine of the pandemic. He asked to compose short pieces from these notes and pass on the composing opportunity to two other musicians. The international project got very successful in the course of a few months and 486 composers joined AOV from 42 countries worldwide.


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