
Hungarian National Dance Ensemble: Castles, Warriors, Frontiers

Hungarian National Dance Ensemble: Castles, Warriors, Frontiers

Adventure-filled dance drama inspired by István Fekete's novel The Testament of Aga Koppanyi

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Draw your swords! Valiant Hungarians battling their Turkish and German foes, courage and duels, heroic raids and burning love. All of these are to be found in István Fekete's adventure novel The Testament of the Koppányi Aga: set during the Turkish occupation, it is a defining reading and cinematic experience for many of us Hungarians. All of this is, however, serves only as a starting point for the Hungarian National Dance Ensemble's dance drama intended especially for young people in which history and the reality of the modern era meet in a theatre-within-a-theatre production, and where the characters alternate between adventuring in the distant past and the world of today.

Featured musicians (recorded):
wind, plucked string and percussion instruments: Benjamin Eredics
piano: Péter Kiss
current and former students of the Folk Music Department of the Liszt Academy
Liszt Academy Symphony Orchestra
musicians of the Hungarian National Dance Ensemble

composer: Benjamin Eredics
folk music arrangements: László Rossa
folk music editors: István Gázsa Papp and the Hungarian National Dance Ensemble Band
visual design, video technology: Marcell Iványi
set: Kázmér Tóth
video technology: Boáz Konta
contemporary dance instructor: Tamás Topolánszky
assistants to the choreographer: Júlia Paput - Gergő Sánta - Attila Tompa - Attila Tókos
co-director, choreographer, libretto, dramaturg, costumes: Zsuzsa Zs. Vincze
director, choreographer: Zoltán Zsuráfszky

This production of the Liszt Fest is being presented by Müpa Budapest as a joint event with the Hungarian National Dance Ensemble.

Age: 9- year
Presented by: Müpa Budapest
Photo: Valter Berecz, Hungarian National Dance Ens

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