


The first piece in this concert dedicated to the music of Iván Madarász – RAP-petition – is a true cross-border excursion from the world of classical music to the distant one of rap – distant for both the composer and the young baritone Szilveszter Szélpál, who sings in operas and operettas at the National Theatre of Szeged.  more

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Last event date: Friday, September 04 2020 7:30PM

Non-season ticket concert / 1
Friday, 4 September 2020, 7:30 pm
Madarász 70

Iván Madarász: RAP-petition
Szilveszter Szélpál rap
Iván Madarász: Episodi concertanti – Flute Concerto No.3
Enikő Wendler flute
Iván Madarász: Lot
Csaba Szegedi Lot
Andrea Meláth Lot's Wife
Tünde Szabóki Lot's first daughter
Gabriella Létay Kiss Lot's second daughter
Atilla Kiss B. First angel 
Gergely Boncsér Second angel
István Kovács Merchant
István Viszló Pickpocket
Jenő Dékán Homosexual
Kornélia Bakos Prostitute
András Káldi-Kiss Beggar

Hungarian State Opera Children's Chorus (chorus director: Nikolett Hajzer)
Hungarian National Choir (choirmaster: Csaba Somos)
Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra
Conductor: Gergely Vajda

The first piece in this concert dedicated to the music of Iván Madarász – RAP-petition – is a true cross-border excursion from the world of classical music to the distant one of rap – distant for both the composer and the young baritone Szilveszter Szélpál, who sings in operas and operettas at the National Theatre of Szeged.
In his work so far, the composer has awarded a distinguished role to the flute, as this is the only instrument for which he has written three concertos. His Episodi concertanti, also known as the Flute Concerto No. 3 is an important milestone on the path that earlier took him to Flautiáda and the Concerto F(L)A. As Kristóf Csengery described the piece that will open the concert, "The principal role goes to the flute, whose part commences soon after the start of the work with extended notes, frullatos, crescendos and rapid gesticulating sections followed by glissandos executed on held notes, indicating that Madarász has capitalised on all of the innovations in writing instrumental music that have been made over the past few decades." The unique thing about the composition is the fact that, in three clearly differentiated sections, the flute plays duets, as chamber music interludes: first with the oboe, then with the trumpet and finally, with the solo violin. The piece culminates in a slow and poetic part.
The second half of the concert features the 1985 opera Lot: based on the novella by Karel Čapek, it was commissioned by Hungarian Television. In a departure from the Biblical story, after rescuing his family, Lot returns to Sodom in order to share the fate of the city's other inhabitants. The main element sustaining the pulse of the music is repetition. Throughout the work, dramatic choruses alternate with solo parts of shocking power. Taking the stage in the title role will be the outstanding lyric baritone Csaba Szegedi.

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