
LURA concert

LURA concert

The public is invited to be part of a musical journey led by Lura's warm voice through unavoidable songs of her career, new repertoire, and some surprises.

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Last event date: Wednesday, July 24 2024 8:00PM

LURA concert
(rain date: 25 July)
Lura - theater sessions

In Theater Sessions, Lura - the versatile, energetic, and very talented artist - shares the stage in a special musical format creating a special show.

LURA has Portugal and Cape Verde in her voice. Born in Lisbon with Cape Verdean parents, she drank from the two cultures of her life, becoming the only artist in her family. Lura's heart is divided between Europe and Africa. At the age of 21, LURA released "Nha Vida", her debut album, very appreciated by the public and the media, and in 2004 released "Di Korpo ku Alma", the result of her return to Cape Verdean origins and memories, which conquered the world with the huge success of "Nariná". From an early age, LURA signed many featuring with great names from World Music, such as Cesária Évora, Bonga, Richard Bona, Gotan Project, among many others. Nowadays, with more than 25 career years, LURA is starting a "revolution" in her life, working on a new album with new sounds, but also without forgetting her roots and hits. LURA's voice is unmistakable, contaminating the public worldwide with her amazing performances, overturning all boundaries of style, place, and time.

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