
LONG: Yeonhee Project I • Liquid Sound

LONG: Yeonhee Project I • Liquid Sound

long: Yeonhee project I : Traditional performance & modern dance
Performers/dancers wear objects such as traditional percussion instruments as accessories and transform traditional elements when they come and go in a long space where street play is transformed. The audience faces both sides of the runway, actively appreciating the crossing of boundaries between tradition and modernity, performance and dance.  more

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The traditional meaning of the five colors of the Yeonhee costume is reinterpreted with the contemporary sensibility of the participating artists. The overall structure of beginning-dissolution-gesture, coldness-circularity-movement, freedom-explosion-energy, coldness-fear-silence, source-harmony is a musical interpretation, and it contains a message about dissolution and coexistence that pervades the entire performance.


Among the traditional representations, the performed goes a long way. Arriving in the space, the performers and dancers begin the fashion show by taking off the traditional attire. Yeonhee's movements and objects are reinterpreted.


White is nothing and is the first.

Blue [靑] -

The blue color of spring, joy, wind, generosity.

Red [赤] -

Explosive pleasure / "Red means noon, laughter, joy and brightness.

Black [黑]-

 “Black symbolizes night, winter, fear and cold. Fear comes and goes suddenly, in another form.

Yellow [黃] -

“Yellow symbolizes the center, the afternoon and faith in the five elements.



Park Seho,

Yi Myongmo,

Son Eungyo,

Park Suyeon


Director: Lee Inbo 

Choreography: Shim Juyoung

Composer: Ju Junyoung

Scenographer: Lee Hwisoon

Lighting design: Jo Chulmin


Partner:  Korean Cultural Center


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