
LFKZ Zeneakadémia-bérlet 2023/24 5/3 - Sunwook Kim (zongora)

LFKZ Zeneakadémia-bérlet 2023/24 5/3 - Sunwook Kim (zongora)

Beethoven in focus 2/1
The Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra’s concert series at the Academy of Music is centred on a Beethoven block of five works. The successful ensemble, now entering the seventh decade of its artistic career, welcomes Sunwook Kim, a favourite of the Budapest and international music scenes, to the stage of the Academy of Music.

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Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Wednesday, February 14 2024 7:30PM

Season Ticket, Liszt Academy 5/3 

Artistic director: István Várdai

Concert master: Péter Tfirst

Soloist: Sunwook Kim (piano)


Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 4 in G major, Op. 58


Beethoven: Symphony No. 7 in A major, Op. 92

The Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra’s concert series at the Academy of Music is centred on a Beethoven block of five works, starting with Symphony No. 2 at the December concert and continuing with Piano Concerto No. 4 and Symphony No. 7 at this concert. The popularity of these works goes without saying, they are among the most performed classical works of all time. Now entering the seventh decade of its artistic career, the successful ensemble will welcome Sunwook Kim, a favourite of the Budapest and international music scenes, to the stage of the Academy of Music. This time, he will not only showcase his extraordinary soloist skills but also his conducting talents and artistic vision while conducting the Beethoven symphony.

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Shaw fanyar-szellemes példázata a férfi és a nő örök párviadaláról, Lerner és Loewe csodálatos dalaival az egyik legnépszerűbb musical. A könnyed, humoros történet mögött azonban ott húzódik egy sokkal fájdalmasabb..

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