
LFKZ Kórus+ 2/1 - Hangok Berlinből – a Liszt Ferenc Kamarazenekar és az Új Liszt Ferenc Kamarakórus

LFKZ Kórus+ 2/1 - Hangok Berlinből – a Liszt Ferenc Kamarazenekar és az Új Liszt Ferenc Kamarakórus

FLCO Choir+ 2/1 – Voices from Berlin - Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra and New Liszt Ferenc Chamber Choir
A special meeting between the Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra and the New Franz Liszt Chamber Choir, a leading representative of Hungarian choral music, at an iconic venue of classical music in Budapest.  more

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Last event date: Friday, January 26 2024 7:30PM

The combination of vocal and instrumental music of the highest quality and the inspiring artistic collaboration between the two ensembles promise to deliver a vibrant, innovative musical experience.The two chamber ensembles have long planned to strengthen their namesake relationship through artistic collaboration. Their joint concert will be held at the alma mater and eponymous institution of both groups, but this time the focus will be on the German capital, Berlin rather than Franz Liszt himself. In the first half of the concert, Arvo Pärt’s famous late 20th-century work for choir and organ, the Berlin Mass, will be performed in its original version by the choir and chamber orchestra. The second part will feature a magnificent late Baroque work, the Magnificat, by Carl Philipp Emanuel, the second-best-known member of the Bach family, written in Berlin in 1749.

Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra

Artistic director: István Várdai

Concert master: Péter Tfirst

New Liszt Ferenc Chamber Choir

Choral director: László Norbert Nemes

Conductor: Gergely Madaras



Arvo Pärt: Berliner Messe


C. P. E. Bach: Magnificat, Wq 215

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