Nóra Rományi and István Rózsa have reconceived the visuals, based on the original designs by Vadin Ryndin, for this choreography updated by Michael Messerer to serve as the Hungarian National Ballet’s new full-length production.
Nóra Rományi and István Rózsa have reconceived the visuals, based on the original designs by Vadin Ryndin, for this choreography updated by Michael Messerer to serve as the Hungarian National Ballet’s new full-length production.
Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!
Last event date: Saturday, June 05 2021 7:00PM
Michael Messerer / Alexander Krein
Ballet in two acts
Laurencia is an opulent, spectacular and truly – in the positive sense of the word – theatrical ballet: scorching hot emotions and movements bursting with explosive power, in which classical steps are intertwined with fiery Spanish rhythms. Amidst virtuoso soloists and duets, harmonic ensembles and exciting crowd scenes unfolds a dramatic tale inspired by Lope de Vega’s play Fuente Ovejuna: the violent suppression of a budding love affair compels the community to rebel against the blind and brutal powers-that-be.
Nóra Rományi and István Rózsa have reconceived the visuals, based on the original designs by Vadin Ryndin, for this choreography updated by Michael Messerer to serve as the Hungarian National Ballet’s new full-length production.
Conductor: Pavel Sorokin
After Vakhtang Chabukiani's choreography by the original play Lope de Vega: Fuente Ovejuna Choreographer: Michael Messerer
Composer: Alexander Krein
Set designer by the original design of Vadim Ryndin: István Rózsa
Costume designer by the original design of Vadim Ryndin: Nóra Rományi
Lighting designer: Kirk Bookman
Staging ballet master : Olga Sabadosh / Evgeny Popov / Anna Razenko
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