
On Tiptoe – About Music and Dance, in Pairs - Léna Megyeri - Ádám Bősze

On Tiptoe – About Music and Dance, in Pairs - Léna Megyeri - Ádám Bősze

In the new On Tiptoe series, dance critic Léna Megyeri and music historian Ádám Bősze invite each other (and, of course, the audience) to play a game. Each one of their presentations is focused on a certain keyword or topic and invokes legendary figures, key masterpieces and intriguing stories of dance and music history.

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We roam exotic landscapes, track down legends and scandals, uncover sensual adventures and also talk about our secret favourites... and these are only a few of the exciting discoveries waiting for the audience in these nights, illustrated by an abundance of music and dance excerpts.

The programme is in Hungarian.


Performed by Léna Megyeri, Ádám Bősze

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