
Korossy Quartet: Béla Bartók's String Quartets No. 2 | Bartók and Brahms

Korossy Quartet: Béla Bartók's String Quartets No. 2 | Bartók and Brahms

Founded in 2018, the Korossy Quartet aims to transmit the famous Hungarian string quartet tradition, and to present the broadest possible repertoire to Hungarian and foreign audiences.

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Last event date: Monday, February 12 2024 7:00PM

In 2021, the ensemble was awarded 5 different special prizes at the international Bartók World Competition, and a year later they were accepted into the class of Günter Pichler, first violinist of the legendary Alban Berg Quartet, at the Reina Sofia School of Music in Madrid. The Korossy Quartet's Bartók series, starting in autumn 2023, includes all of Bartók's string quartets in 6 concerts over 2 years, paired with a selection of works by the greatest composers of music history.

Photo: Andrea Felvégi


Béla Bartók: String Quartet No. 2
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy: String Quartet in A minor, Op. 13


Korossy Quartet:
Csongor Korossy-Khayll – violin
Éva Osztrosits – violin
András Kurgyis – viola
Gergely Devich – cello

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