


Picture-writer, just as every performance of our company, is based on the common work of a real creative collective, and strongly characterised by the diversity of the creators and performers who are collaborating in it: artists from different fields of dance (folk dance, classical ballet, and contemporary dance) and a dj contributed to the show.

Nincs aktuális előadás

Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Wednesday, April 17 2024 7:30PM

The collective creation has been led by choreographer Zsolt Juhász. The performance draws its inspiration from a Hungarian painter’s pictures and the eponymous book about his oeuvre, but the creators are questioning the mutually fertile relationship between visual arts and dance in a broader sense.

Performed by Katalin Lőrinc, Gábor Katona, Ádám Frigy, András Fosztó, Fruzsina Kriston 

Music: dj Panda

Lighting  Károly Lendvai

Directed and choreographed by Zsolt Juhász 


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Többnemzetiségű együttes, dalaikat 25 nyelven adják elő. Az amerikai Thomas Lauderdale zongoraművész alapította 1994-ben Portlandben azzal a céllal, hogy egyesítse a klasszikus-, dzsessz-, latin és popzenei műfajokat, ezáltal pedig egyedi hangzást teremtsen.

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Some people need to immerse themselves in the world of a true classic every evening: this family fairy tale ballet by the Szeged Contemporary Dance Company gives every member of the family the opportunity to do just that.

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