
The Valiant Johnny

The Valiant Johnny

Interactive production for children based on the operetta János vitéz by Pongrác Kacsóh
Who is valiant in small things is valiant also in large ones!
Please note that this programme is in Hungarian and we do not provide translations.

Current events

Pongrác Kacsóh gave Petőfi’s literary hero music that is very dear to us Hungarians. This programme hopes to start a tradition: we will offer regular matinee productions that can provide an excellent source of musical entertainment for the families coming to visit the Transport Museum, being built next door to Eiffel Art Studios. The Opera Children’s Chorus’s soloists, young chorus members, and of course our guests will spend an hour travelling down the road taken by Petőfi’s and Kacsóh’s characters with the leadership of András Kőrösi, storyteller.

Director: Mária Harangi
Editor: Andrássy-Neuenstein Frigyes
Choreographer: Adrienn Rafai-Vetési
Head of the Children’s Chorus: Nikolett Hajzer
Artistic director of the HNBI: Dace Radina

Story teller: András Kőrösi
The French King: Andrássy-Neuenstein Frigyes
John the Valiant: Rafael Abebe-Ayele, Botond Takács
Iluska: Kíra Gálbory, Anna Zsófia Forrai
The French princess: Berta Ittzés, Rebeka Tóth
Sergeant: Richárd Bede, András Deim
Featuring (pianist, singer): Krisztina Szabó M.


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