
Ír kocsmamesék - Várkert Akusztik

Ír kocsmamesék - Várkert Akusztik

Have you heard the one about when Finnegan fell off the ladder? Or how the smuggler Donovan outsmarted the customs officers? Hilarious or astonishing legends, tales and stories swirl amidst whiskeys and beers through the billowing pipe smoke, while unmistakable Irish music captivates and enthralls the audience, invigorating their spirits.  more

Nincs aktuális előadás

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Last event date: Wednesday, November 29 2023 7:00PM

Have you heard the one about when Finnegan fell off the ladder? Or how the smuggler Donovan outsmarted the customs officers? Hilarious or astonishing legends, tales and stories swirl amidst whiskeys and beers through the billowing pipe smoke, while unmistakable Irish music captivates and enthralls the audience, invigorating their spirits. The music and stories halt time on the ocean of imagination, and while the audience’s minds linger on the ‘emerald isle’, their everyday troubles fade into the misty distance. The prominent storyteller Zoltán Horti (Görömbő Kompánia) and the renowned musicians from the Firkin band first performed their “show of joy" at a summer festival, after being invited by a festival organiser friend. Word of the whirling show spread like wild fire, and a full-length version was produced. So, whenever their schedule allows, the group loves nothing better than to get together for a few Irish pub tales.

Our offer

Wayne Eagling – Tamás Solymosi / Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky THE NUTCRACKER Fairy-tale ballet in two acts

A nagy érdeklődésre való tekintettel, dupla Geszti Sixty koncert az Arénában!

Az előadás középpontjában két fiú története áll, egyikük szegénységben él, míg a másik a trón várományosa. Amikor sorsuk egy véletlen folytán összefonódik és helyet cserélnek, mindkettejük élete gyökeresen megváltozik.

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