


In this layer of our existence, there are no strict boundaries among us. We are infinitely similar. Cells, particles. In constant vibration, attunement, changes of attention.
Sound breaks through the body. It surprises, protects, connects.


Nincs aktuális előadás

Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Saturday, November 25 2023 4:30PM

How do we resonate in a space that allows for quiet presence, long and intense eye
contact, and ethereal sounds from within?
Imagine entering a space that has the power to separate you from the everyday world and immerse you in physical and ritual presence.

A transformative power invites you to a joint experience in the minimalist and sensual performance of Kinga Ötvös and Tímea Kovács.
As you find your place in the circle, the two gonzo-alien-looking performers step into the center of the circle and invite you to immerse yourself in a timeless, spatial, liquid state. Despite their inward-facing body and movement language, their presence radiates irresistible strength and power.

"In resonance" is capable of creating mutual, elemental resonance through the
ancient power of movement, gaze, and singing.

Kinga Ötvös is a freelance performer. Starting from her training as an opera singer, she has been exploring voice art and movement in recent years. In her experimental musical creations, she seeks a new direction where storytelling and sound narrative is a meeting point between electronic music, vocal music, and dance. Within the framework of her artistic work, she is interested in resonance as the birth of sound, collective singing as an interactive form, and resonance as a potential language and meeting form.

Tímea Kovács is a freelance dancer, choreographer, and physiotherapist. Her creative work combines her versatile qualifications, including the Feldenkrais Method and Body-Mind Centering somatic approaches, various contemporary dance forms, and improvisation techniques. In her choreographic work, she seeks a finely tuned sensitivity that addresses and moves.Currently, her focus of interest is radical softness, which she explores both as a form of movement art and as a means of everyday survival.

Costume Designer:
Cristina Milea
Costume and stage designer for theater, dance, and multimedia performances, and
the creator of
Her main areas of artistic research involve the creation of new fabrics and textures
by combining science and art. is an independent platform where studies, debates, experiments, and social comments blend in visual form, using conceptual costume installations and
junk fashion.
She graduated from the U.N.A.rte Faculty of Fine Arts and Design in Bucharest in 2008

Az előadás időtartama
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