
Ilú (CU)

Ilú (CU)

The trio’s goal is to explore new musical fields inside the traditional standards of afro-cuban music. Three Cuban musicians – coming from different backgrounds, but with a common goal – gathered to create a musical project that explores and experiments.

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Last event date: Saturday, August 26 2023 8:00PM

Ilú (CU)
Winners of Jazz Juniors 2022

Joaquin Martinez Sosa - tenor saxophone
Aniel Someillan - double bass
Barbaro Crespo 'Machito' - percussion

The name “Ilú” is inspired by a Yoruba word that means land, city, where nothing exists without music. The trio’s goal is to explore new musical fields inside the traditional standards of afro-cuban music. Three Cuban musicians – coming from different backgrounds, but with a common goal – gathered to create a musical project that explores and experiments. They came up with a unique format without harmonic instruments but with an emphasis on the rhythm that is a foundation of their musical culture, along with melodies that represent chants of ancestors at their profane and spiritual celebrations. Ilú is a celebration of their roots, wrapped up in a modern form.

Table reservations are automatically added during ticket purchase.
Please note that if you purchase an odd number of seats, you might have to share the table with others, especially if the concert is sold out.
For the best dining experience please arrive around 7pm.
We hold reservations until 8pm.

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